Urban Mobility

A deep dive into how smart urban cities will operate

Happy Sunday everyone! Welcome to the Autonomous Platforms of the Future Newsletter, designed to inform you about future game changing products, technologies, and platforms. This week I'll be focusing on Urban Mobility and what will be the new technology possibilities over the next 10 years.

Urban Mobility - refers to all aspects of movement in urban settings. It can include modes of transport, such as walking, cycling, and public transit, as well as the spatial arrangement of these modes in a built environment.

Section 1: What are the possibilities of Urban Mobility?

As autonomous technologies advance, the integration of it into our society is evident. While it may take a number of years, it will greatly improve how city traffic runs efficiently, the sustainability efforts, and provide safe and secure environments for pedestrians.

So here are some of the autonomous products that will shape how a smart urban city will operate:

• Self Driving Cars

• Air Taxis

• Autonomous Public Transportation

• Autonomous Emergency Vehicles

Each of these products will be integrated at their own timeline when they are approved and meet the regulatory and government policies.

Section 2: What’s next to make Urban Mobility a reality?

In my opinion, over the next 5-10 years, a lot will be shaping how urban mobility is implemented. Sustainability efforts worldwide are starting to become the main priority as we reflect on how many current products are polluting the environment.

Here are 5 things left for society to implement before Urban Air Mobility is a reality:

1. FAA and government policy approvals

2. Dedicated air space

3. Company concepts meeting FAA safety and flight regulations

4. Air traffic monitoring training

5. Storage and land bases for unmanned vehicle

Section 3: Customer Experience Impact

I think the autonomous technology advancements will greatly enhance the customer commercial flight experience. For instance, look at how Uber, Lift, etc. have impacted the driving market. Giving customers more optionality for travel needs will help their experiences as a quick 2-3hrs trip could be completed in minutes. Also, think of not having to sit in heavy 5’oclock traffic after work daily to reduce commuter headaches.

In my opinion, a urban mobility will especially welcomed from a commercial flight standpoint to enhance personal and family connectivity. We live in a global world where travel is a major piece of connection worldwide. Having this technology platforms enhance that capability will only be welcomed.

Thanks for joining me this week. Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend.

If you’d like to connect with me further on other technology or STEM related collaborations, use the LinkedIn link below to send me a message.

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